Tuesday, June 30, 2009



Like 4 days ago.

Haha, how is everyone?! Korea was awesome to the max! Will blog about it together with my 600+ photos taken there, though I may not show all. Haha. Recently I am super busy with stuff I shouldn't even be busy over. Everything has been pretty chaotic too ever since RP started to have some students and staffs who have contracted H1N1 and every year 1 students have to e-learn from home.

Speaking of e-learning, how the hell are we supposed to elearn?!?! We are able to e-learn in secondary school because the things taught are fixed and you don't have to rover all around the internet looking for different theories or whatsoever. So, my point is:


Furthermore, whatever we "e-learn" MIGHT be tested on our understanding tests, which is technically nothing and all we will get is an F grade. So much for e-learning. How are we suppose to know whether whatever we've found are the correct exact information that is meant to be taught to us?

I hate e-learning. Period.

Sidenote: I miss clique! Wanna meet up with you guys soon alright? (:

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Seems like I still have time to post, so here I am! :D
I will be gone till the 26th, so if you need to find me urgently feel free to text me! :D
Here are the photos for those who received my text!

Okay, I will miss you guys! Must miss me too okay?! HAHA! For those who did not receive my text just take it that I'm being narcissistic! :D


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I AM HERE AGAIN! It's seems like this blog is not gonna be updated for a week or so and I'm kinda gonna miss it. Haha. Sheena just sent me another batch of Sentosa photos(thank you!) so I'm gonna post them now, since I said I will post everything before I leave. If not I can imagine the stacks of photos piling up after the trip!

Okay, I think I will be blogging one last time before I leave tomorrow! If I don't then here's goodbye! Haha! Will see you guys in a weeks' time! :D


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sentosa photos.

Okay before I start, let me just say: SCHOOL WAS CRAZY TODAY!
Stella and Haiqal never fail to make me laugh, no matter how hard I try not to. Haha(:

Just in case if you're wondering who I'm talking about. The photo speaks everything. No wonder they always say "A picture speaks a thousand words". Haha(:

The photo was taken some time ago, just wanted to show you how hilarious both of them can be. Haha. So I have to sit between the both of them today and laughed throughout the whole lesson while they did baby talk and danced around. Haha.

NOT TO FORGET! My boy came over to RP today and up to my classroom! Haha. So I was busy and I asked him to buy me food so he was sort of my delivery man for the day! :D THANKS ALOT MY BOY! XOXO! Haha! Cause I made him deliver two times! :P

Okay, back to the point! Photos!!

That's all I have for now! :D I kinda miss my old hair. Haha. 2 MORE DAYS! :D