Thursday, May 03, 2007

Paper 1 was sort of easy.
in case you are really curious which compo i write,
i wrote the one on :
1."What are the advantages and disadvantages of
studying with friends after school hours?"
let me tell you why i didnt choose the others.
2. Write about a memorable incident.
there is nothing memorable in my life, unless you saved me.
or i can indirectly say about that bitch.
Ugh, why should i?
3.What are some of the things you like about your teachers?
teachers? No thanks i have enough of that topic.
4.Describe your ideal classroom and explain why you think
it would be the most conducive studying environment.
what for? it's not like they are gonna take my suggestions
and renovate all the classrooms.
5.My Idol
too hard a topic, and other than Jesse Mccartney,
i have nothing to write about. ((:
Paper 2 was sososo much more difficult than Paper 1.
we have 2 comprehension and one summary.
that 2 compre had to be something which i do not know.
which is magic & my summary didnt finish writing in black pen.
oh my, chinese is just tomorrow.
i need a tuition teacher, FAST.
加油, 文杰!(:

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