Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I swear that this date is one of the most unlucky dates of my life.
I lost my POA textbook, I forgot to bring my keys with me today and
have to wait for an hour before Alan comes home from school with his key
and I have a freaking appointment tmr which im freaking worried.
See? It's only 3 things to make my day hell.
anyway this is going to be a short post and im gone.
School was alright today, with English, Literature, Physics, Poa, and Humanities.
and the whole day Ern and gang were playing with their POKEmons.
so during triple S me and vanessa drew a hell lot of fugly POKEmons,
or should i say, MOCKmons?
(p/s Names were given by Vanessa,
any names of POKEmons spelt incorrectly is regretted. )

okay i know this POKEmon is a WATER type, obviously
because of it's name?
anyway i dont know how to pronounce that,
but i think is SQUIR-T-LE ?
I know my art sucks , literally.
the Squirtle looks like it's carrying a school bag, not a shell.

okay i almost spell this name wrongly,
at first i thought it was BUBBLESAUR?
then Vanessa corrected me, I hope it's correct?
and i know this POKEmon is supposed to have some flowers of plants
at the back, but i dont know how to draw a 3D POKEmon
so here's a 2D one with a beautiful flower[: lol.

I've forgotten to draw the fire on its tail and i realised it
after uploading the pic. lol.
and its limbs too, forgotten about it [X

last but not least,
the only POKEmon i know, PIKACHU.
personally i think it's the cutest pokemon of all the POKEmons i've known
which is like 4?
Pikachu looks like some roasted PIG?!?!

Vanessa's version of PIkachu
I know , I know, mine looks like some PIG's head at the supermarket. -.-
okay that's all.
Dont worry my friends, I'll try to be happy and cheerful ! [:

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