Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Langkawi tomorrow! :D

Tomorrow will be the day I set foot on a plane again!


And tomorrow will be the day Clique comes back!


I thought they're coming back in the morning and I would be able to bid goodbye to them but my flight's at 6.45pm and they're reaching Singapore at 8pm? I'm not sure but I'm just not happy that I can't bid goodbye to them! Anyway yesterday and today was spent with Partner at AMK library then at Mac's studying :D Will upload pictures of jogging on monday too ( :

both Partner and I were being an irritation to each other (:
first It was me complaining I was hungry and started making noises like "Doin Doin!"
like the bouncing sound over and over again to express my hunger.
then when we wanted to cross over to the other side using the OVERHEAD BRIDGE,
Partner said :
"So we're going up the UNDERPASS?" and I was sort of
confused by what he was trying to say until I realised he mistook the overhead
bridge for an underpass and started laughing. :D
so to get his sweet revenge, he started
saying : "Shuddup!" which was Shut Up
if you pronounce it correctly but last week it slipped my tongue so I said it as Shuddup!

That petty little thing still remembers it!
oh well, but at least he accompanied me through the 2 days without Clique!
so here's one whole post dedicated to my one and only Partner! :D

meanwhile, I'll be away from tomorrow even till the 16th of June! :D


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