Friday, December 21, 2007


that's what I feel I am to you now.
Christmas is just one-hand count away! :D
went shopping at Vivocity yesterday with family and Gary's.
the white berms that I've laid my eyes on only has size 26 as the smallest size.
and my waist is a pathetic 22, i think.
therefore i discarded the thought of the white berms and went round
searching for another apparel.
spent loads of time at NUM deciding whether to buy clothes from there,
but ended up buying a jacket from IP Zone.
Not really a jacket but more of a vest to wear like a second layer.
Maybe I'll wear it next friday, cause having cousins gathering again
but without Alan this time, cause we're going Bugis :D

Might be going out with Silly Boy on next Wednesday.
cause he was rather devastated that I didnt went out with him,
so as repentance, I shall make that day free and go out! :D
actually Im just being a fat liar.
I just felt bad that I didnt went out with him xD
andand, I was first to wish Silly Boy Happy Birthday! :D
at first I remembered 12am must send to him,
then I was doing something else and totally forgotten about it!
Until 12.15 when I took out my phone then I remembered,
so I quickly sent it to him,
and miraculously I was still the first :D
cause Im SUPERKID! xD
okay enough of crap, pictures! :DD

Much ado from my holiday lifestyle,
I've been doing quite some revision, just to brush up on my languages :D
math's still a No-no to me.

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