Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have a swollen leg :(

I feel sad. :(

Because my left leg's a shade of blue black now. Was working today when I accidentally dropped the portafilter on my leg. Zz. A portafilter is this metal "stick" with a rubber handle that can hold a puck of coffee powder for pulling shots. Now I'm semi-limping. The good side is that the blue black isn't too big. A size of a 50 cent coin. Shouldn't be hopping for long! :) Thanks to superwoman for being so magnanimous to "rent" a helicopter for me(although I have to pay) and also to My Boy(:

Alright, as promised, the photos to Sentosa! Before that, remember how I told you I was a DRIVING GEEK? Yeah, it all happened at Sentosa!

On the way there.....

I swear Alan's such a knob sometimes.

I don't love them for nothing :)

Both of us are brought up by Grams, thus the bond. (:

Alan looking bored.

This was when we're going to ride the LUGE! Going up on the chairlift ((:

Scenery from above. That was when I collided for the first time. I was going down the slope in the luge and that was this sharp turn and I tried turning but it somewhat jammed and I collided into the corner. Luckily the corner was filled with something soft. Zz.

Momo and Pops. Both of them were grumpy cause they weren't really interested. :x

We lay a mat and I was taking random shots. After that we went on the Tiger Sky Tower!

The interior. We look like caged animals on display. There were people outside looking in.

Beautiful outskirt of Sentosa.

Above ground level.

Apparently now you can go up to the top of the Merlion.

I seldom mention my sis so here she is! I hate to repeat this but she is Pop's god-daughter so it automatically makes her my sis. Gary's blood-sister.

This is what I played next and fell again. Apparently all you have to do is to lean forward to travel forewards and lean back to slow down or stop. What they didn't tell us was if you lean forward too much it'll sense that you're going too fast and TILT BACKWARDS. So I was going down this slope and everyone's so called Car started tilting backwards. Obviously I was the one who panicked like it was the end of humanity and fell. Zz.

The name of the Car. So after falling the whole day, I treated myself to.............

CARAMEL FRAPPE! I bought two. One before the Car ride and one after. The one before was just pure caramel. After the car ride, I bought caramel blended with coffee. Asked for extra caramel too! :DDD *makes me dreamy thinking of it* Last but not least, photo of the day:

Going up the chairlift for the LUGE (: We went for the luge 3 times! :D

Alright, that's all I have. I only have sunburns on my shoulders. Other than that, I am satisfied with my tan :) CIAO!

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