Saturday, January 19, 2008


Beauty world, CHACHACHA!
the ladies
beauty world, CHACHACHA!
the music
beauty world, CHACHACHA!
the fineness

okay I was singing the song when having my shower just now :DD
the play was FABULOUS! :D
seriously, it was really really nice!
It was sooo hilarious and touching too! :DD
you'll regret not watching it, trust me! :D

see our beautiful poses? LOL.
of course there is no free lunch in the world.
This play costs us 30 bucks and a reflection of 200 words. Weee~
okay, enough of that.
After the play, we were taking pictures like no one's business. [:

best pic will have to be the one where everyone
is sitting on the stairs on different levels :D
alright alright :
Ridduan is LOVED
Joan is LOVED
Yuwon is LOVED
Adel is LOVED
Serena is LOVED
Vanessa is LOVED
Sheena is LOVED
Hidayah is LOVED
Hanafi is LOVED
Denise is LOVED
Zulaikha is LOVED
Beauty World is Super LOVED :D

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