Wednesday, February 06, 2008


seriously, Im gonna die of exhaustion anytime.
after school today, had lunch at Yoshinoya before proceeding home.
Alan, upon seeing me reach home, threw his cloth
happily away and went to play with the video game console.
while me, on the other hand, had to immediately change into
home clothes and start doing spring cleaning.

I had to clean 2 toilets and I had to wipe every window.
while Alan sits comfatably on the sofa playing games. Zzz.
finally I've been enlightened on the amount of windows at home.
it's soooo tiring to wipe windows okay?!
I think I know the reason why Momo discouraged the idea of having a maid,
cause she knows sooner or later they are going to die
of exhaustion under Daddy.
Even Momo doesnt asks me to wipe ALL the windows.
whereas Dad almost killed me with all the work.

and what's the worst thing?
WE HAVE A FREELOADER, and Daddy's not doing anything about him.
Daddy even helped him to plug the video game console into the TV.
and save me the "He's still small lah, so calculative."
YES Im calculative.
He's no longer in Primary school, get that in your head.
but Daddy didnt say anything or whatsoever.

and when Momo came back, what does she see?
NOTHING, because Daddy told Alan that Momo's coming back.
So Alan quickly kept everything and just sat at the sofa.
Momo's first reaction will be that EVERYONE helped to keep the house clean.
the ONLY reason why I didnt rebut is
because I dont wna be a killjoy and spoil everyone's mood,
so that everyone can hate me during the Sunway lagoon trip.
There wont be a next time, trust me.

Sunway's tmr, so people! dont msg me till Sat unless it's urgent
or you miss me too much in the process that you have to msg me. :D
I know, everyone wants red packets :DD

is it really your wish to not see me come back?

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